
Did you know that you have been hyp­no­tized all the time?

Yes, from TV shows, movies, ads, mu­sic and now for the end­less scrolling throught your apps like in­sta­gram, Tik Tok, twit­ter, and etc.

You are be­ing hip­no­tized with the peo­ple you hang out, fam­i­ly, co work­ers because they have a cer­tain part­ten of thought and so are you. Every thought man­i­fest in your re­al­i­ty mir­ror­ing back at you what are you be­ing in the mo­ment.

The re­al­i­ty is para­dox­al. Why? Be­cause at same time that we are be­ing hip­no­tized we are hip­no­tiz­ing some­one and again our­selves over and over again and again.

In oth­er words, we are con­nect­ing vi­bra­tionaly and our re­al­i­ty is con­firm­ing what we are and think. If we are the cre­ators, the se­cret is ask­ing your­self: what am I go­ing to choose to be hip­no­tized?